Tinker Lab Rules and Guidelines

  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a responsible caregiver.
  • Certification is required to use certain equipment independently. Speak with the Makerspace staff if you are interested in learning to use any of the equipment.
  • Please ask before touching any equipment unless you have previously been certified to use it.
  • Clean up your work area when you are finished.
  • Report any broken equipment to the Makerspace staff.
  • Equipment MAY NOT be used to make weapons or weapon-related objects (real or fake) or objects deemed inappropriate by the Makerspace staff.
  • The Makerspace staff reserves the right to deny use of equipment if it is being used in a dangerous, abusive, or inappropriate manner.
  • Anyone acting in a threatening or disruptive manner may be asked to leave the Tinker Lab/Library.
  • All CCLD Code of Conduct Guidelines apply to the Tinker Lab.